UIW Welcomes Worldwide Recognized Theologian, Dr. 托马斯基金


Dr. 托马斯基金11月3日, UIW’s College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (CHASS) hosted worldwide recognized theological author and professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, Dr. 托马斯基金. Groome has authored nine books and co-edited five collections of essays. His books have been translated into various languages and have been used in multiple graduate level courses across the globe. 

他最近的一本书, What Makes Education Catholic: Spiritual Foundations, received a first-place award in Faith Formation from the Catholic Media Association. In relation to his book, Groome gave a presentation exploring what makes education Catholic at UIW. 

The foundation that was laid down for the University by the founding Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word was rooted in the Catholic faith. 从那时起, the school has strived to continuously keep the Catholic faith at the forefront of all institutional operations.  

Dr. 哈维尔Clavere, 中国科学院院长, and the school's faculty, welcomed Groome with the intent of promoting Catholic Intellectual Tradition, the charism of the University, and the theology that helps guide the institution.  

“It is important for us as a community to expose our students, 工作人员, and faculty to amazing theologians and scholars from other institutions,克莱弗分享道. “It provides perspectives, and it allows for growth in our journeys. It also brings excellence to the awareness of a community that is doing great things, mirroring the work we already do at UIW.” 

With 142 years of history behind UIW, Groome encouraged his audience to recognize how the University is consciously maintaining Catholic teachings as well as how it can continue to do so. He also shared that the blessings and value of a Catholic education are universal and can enhance the life of students of all religious backgrounds. 

Dr. 托马斯基金“Dr. Groome provided a beautiful context of our Christ-centered education, and how Catholicity is open to everyone, inviting us to become better versions of ourselves, regardless of faith traditions or beliefs,克莱弗继续说. “We are invited to model the incarnation of love, hope, and charity in everyone we meet.” 

Groome invited audience members to engage in discussion amongst themselves to consider certain questions and topics brought up during his presentation. These interactions allowed for the community members to share their thoughts and opinions, which ultimately revealed their collective desire to care for the University and continue its faith tradition. 

The founding Sisters continue to serve as an inspiration for the University leaders tasked with carrying out their wisdom, 值, 和任务. Although it is an immense responsibility, Clavere is hopeful for the future of the University. He shared that Groome’s presentation is just one of many ways that the UIW community continues the work of the University's founders and carries the Mission for future generations. 

"We are now the ones who must carry forward the tradition; We are the ones challenged to be incarnations of Christ’s love for others.”